The Gospel of Jesus Christ
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the "power of God for salvation to everyone who believes!" At Azle First Assembly, the Gospel is central to all we do. It is the message we proclaim, and it is the message that we live. The Gospel is the hope of the world, and it is only by the Gospel that men can be saved.
Latest Sermon
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Pastoral Leadership

Josh Lowrance
Lead Pastor
Josh has served AFA as Lead Pastor since 2022. Josh is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God, and he has a Master of Divinity through Liberty University. Josh and his wife Hollie have four kids; Hannah, Harmony, Titus, and Theo.

Brent Arterbury
Associate Pastor
Brent serves AFA as Associate Pastor. Brent's wife Rebecca also serves as our Worship Leader. Brent and Rebecca are both ordained ministers with decades of pastoral experience.

Angela Bayless
Children's Pastor
Angela serves AFA as Children's Pastor.
The children meet on Sunday mornings
upstairs in the Kids Church Room.
The children meet on Sunday mornings
upstairs in the Kids Church Room.
Our values
These are the values that make us who we are at Azle First Assembly.
Love of God
The greatest commandment is that we love the Lord our God with all of heart, soul, and mind. Our love for God unites us as one body seeking His will above all else.
Expository Preaching
The majority of preaching at AFA is expository, meaning we preach verse by verse through the Bible. While we recognize there are other methods of preaching, we believe expository preaching to be best.
Exceeding Generosity
We value giving because God has given us everything. Through giving, we prove that our possessions do not possess us. Generosity shows that our faith is in God, not in mammon.
Expressive Worship
We were created for worship, and we believe that our worship should be expressive. Yet, worship is so much more than what we do on Sundays. Worship should be a defining mark of our lives.